MAAP #220: Carbon across the Amazon (part 3): Key Cases of Carbon Loss & Gain

Graph 1. The Amazon biome functions as a narrow carbon sink from 2013 to 2022. Data: Planet, ACA/MAAP.

In part 1 of this series (MAAP #215), we introduced a critical new dataset (Planet’s Forest Carbon Diligence) with wall-to-wall estimates for aboveground carbon at an unprecedented 30-meter resolution between 2013 and 2022. This data uniquely merges machine learning, satellite imagery, airborne lasers, and a global biomass dataset from GEDI, a NASA mission.

In part 2 (MAAP #217), we highlighted which parts of the Amazon are currently home to the highest (peak) aboveground carbon levels and the importance of protecting these high-integrity forests (see Annex 1).

Here, in part 3, we focus on aboveground carbon loss and gain across the Amazon over the 10 years for which we have data (2013-22; see Base Map below).

The Amazon loses carbon to the atmosphere due to deforestation, logging, human-caused fires, and natural disturbances, while it gains carbon from forest regeneration and old-growth forests continuing to sequester atmospheric carbon.4

Overall, we find that the Amazon still narrowly functions as a carbon sink (meaning the carbon gain is greater than the loss) during this period, gaining 64.7 million metric tons of aboveground carbon between 2013 and 2022 (see Graph 1).

This finding underscores the importance of both primary and secondary forests in countering widespread deforestation. Moreover, it highlights the critical potential of primary forests to continue accumulating carbon if left undisturbed.

This gain, however, is quite small relative to the total 56.8 billion metric tons of aboveground carbon contained in the Amazon biome (that is, a gain of just +0.1%), reinforcing concerns that the Amazon could flip to a carbon source in the coming years (with carbon loss becoming greater than its gain) due to increasing deforestation, degradation, and fires.1  See Annex 2 for more details, including how the Amazon became a carbon sink following the 2015 drought, but since rebounded.

The countries with the largest carbon gain are 1) Brazil, 2) Colombia, 3) Suriname, 4) Guyana, and 5) French Guiana. In contrast, the countries with the greatest carbon loss are 1) Bolivia, 2) Venezuela, 3) Peru, and 4) Ecuador.

Zooming in to the site level yields additional insights. For example, we can now estimate the carbon loss from major deforestation events across the Amazon from 2013 to 2022. On the flip side, we can also calculate the carbon gain from both secondary and primary forests.

Areas with carbon gain in intact areas indicate excellent candidates for the High Integrity Forest (HIFOR) initiative, a new financing instrument uniquely focused on maintaining intact tropical forests.2 Importantly, a HIFOR unit represents a hectare of high-integrity tropical forest within a high-integrity landscape that has been “well-conserved” for over a decade.Intact areas with carbon gain between 2013-22 may indicate decadally “well-conserved” areas that can be overlapped with areas of high ecological integrity.

Below, we illustrate these findings with a series of novel maps zooming in on emblematic cases of large carbon loss and gain across the Amazon from 2013 – 2022. These cases include forest loss driven by agriculture, gold mining, and roads, as well as forest gain in remote primary forests.

Base Map – Amazon Carbon Loss & Gain (2013-2022)

The Base Map shows wall-to-wall estimates of aboveground carbon loss and gain across the Amazon between 2013 and 2022.

Carbon loss is indicated by yellow to red, indicating low to high carbon loss. Carbon gain is indicated by light to dark green, indicating low to high carbon gains.

Below, we present a series of notable cases of high carbon loss and gain indicated in Insets A-I.

Base Map. Areas of major carbon loss and gain across the Amazon between 2013 and 2022. Source: Amazon Conservation/MAAP, Planet.

Emblematic Cases of Carbon Loss & Gain

Figure 1 highlights emblematic cases of carbon loss (Insets A-F in red) and carbon gain (Insets G-I in green). Below we highlight a series of emblematic cases.

Figure 1. Emblematic cases of carbon loss and gain across the Amazon. Source: Amazon Conservation/MAAP, Planet.

Carbon Loss

We can now estimate the carbon loss from major deforestation events across the Amazon during the past ten years, directly from a single dataset. These cases include forest loss from agriculture, gold mining, and roads. Note that the presented values represent just the carbon loss featured in the selected area.

A. Colombia – Arc of Deforestation

Figure 1A. Carbon loss in the Colombian Amazon’s arc of deforestation. Source: Amazon Conservation/MAAP, Planet.

Figure 1A shows the extensive carbon emissions (39.5 million metric tons) associated with the major deforestation within and surrounding protected areas and Indigenous territories in the Colombian Amazon‘s arc of deforestation.

The carbon loss within the protected areas and Indigenous territories is likely from illegal deforestation.

See MAAP #211 for more details.










B. Peru – Mennonite Colonies

Figure 1B. Carbon loss by new Mennonite colonies in the Peruvian Amazon. Source: Amazon Conservation/MAAP, Planet.

Figure 1B shows the carbon emissions of 224,300 metric tons associated with the recent deforestation carried out by new Mennonite colonies arriving in the central Peruvian Amazon starting in 2017.

See MAAP #188 for more details, including information regarding the legality of  the deforestation causing the carbon loss.











C. Peru – Gold Mining

Figure 1C. Carbon loss associated with gold mining deforestation in  southern Peruvian Amazon. Source: ACA/MAAP, Planet.

Figure 1C shows the extensive carbon emissions (11.3 million metric tons) associated with gold mining deforestation in the southern Peruvian Amazon.

Most of the carbon loss within the protected areas (and their buffer zones) and Indigenous territories is likely from illegal deforestation.

See MAAP #208 for more information, including details regarding the legality of the deforestation causing the carbon loss.










D. Brazil – Road BR-364

Figure 1D. Carbon loss along BR-364 in the southwest Brazilian Amazon. Source: ACA/MAAP, Planet.

Figure 1D shows the carbon emissions along road BR-364 that crosses the state of Acre in the southwest Brazilian Amazon.

This road was opened in the 1960s and paved in the 1980s.












E. Brazil – Road BR-319

Figure 1E. Carbon loss along paved roads. Source: ACA/MAAP, Planet.

Figure 1E shows a controversial road paving project that would effectively link the arc of deforestation to the south with more intact forests to the north in Amazonas and Roraima states.

Note that the current carbon loss is concentrated along the paved roads.

The paving of road BR-319 has recently caused headlines as President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva recently authorized the paving of 20 km of the road and plans to bid for an additional 32 km (thus, paving of 52 km in total).

Modeling studies predict extensive new deforestation from this road construction, and thus additional associated carbon loss.









F. Brazil – Road BR-163

Figure 1F. Carbon loss along BR-163 in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. Source: ACA/MAAP, Planet.

Figure 1F shows the extensive carbon emissions (71.4 million metric tons) along a recently paved stretch of road BR-163 which crosses the state of Pará in the eastern Brazilian Amazon.

Importantly, this stretch of road has been presented as a case study of what may happen along road BR-319 if it is paved.












Carbon Gain

We can also calculate the carbon gain from both secondary and primary forests. These cases include forest gain from remote primary forests that may be good candidates for the HIFOR initiative.

Figure 1G. Carbon gains in the southeast Colombian Amazon. Source: ACA/MAAP, Planet.

G. Southeast Colombia

Figure 1G shows the carbon gain of over 52.5 million metric tons in the remote southeast Colombian Amazon.

This area is anchored by three national parks and several large indigenous territories.











Figure 1H. Carbon gains along the border of eastern Ecuador and northern Peru. Source: ACA/MAAP, Planet.

H. Ecuador – Peru border

Figure 1H shows the carbon gain of nearly 40 million metric tons along the border in eastern Ecuador and northern Peru.

Note this area is anchored by numerous protected areas, including Yasuni National Park in Ecuador and Pucacuro National Reserve in Peru, and Indigenous territories.










Figure 1I. Carbon gains in the tri-border region of the northeast Amazon. Source: ACA/MAAP, Planet.

I. Northeast Amazon

Figure 1I shows the carbon gain of 164.7 million metric tons in the tri-border region of the northeast Amazon (northern Brazil, French Guiana, and Suriname).

For example, note the carbon gains in Montanhas do Tumucumaque National Park and Tumucumaque Indigenous territory in northeast Brazil.

Also note that this was an Amazonian “peak carbon area,” as described in MAAP #217.










Annex 1

Annex 1. Peak carbon areas in relation to the carbon loss and gain data. Source: Amazon Conservation/MAAP, Planet.

In part 2 of this series (MAAP #217), we highlighted which parts of the Amazon are currently home to the highest (peak) aboveground carbon levels.

Annex 1 shows these peak carbon areas in relation to the carbon loss and gain data presented above.

Note that both peak carbon areas (southeast and northeast Amazon) are largely characterized by carbon gain.










Annex 2

Annex 2. Amazon biome functions as a narrow carbon sink from 2013 to 2022, but became a source in between. Data: Planet, ACA/MAAP.

Annex 2 shows all ten years of aboveground carbon data grouped by two-year intervals (thus, it is an extension of Graph 1 above, adding data for the intermediate years).

In this context, black indicates our baseline of 2013-14, red indicates a decrease from the baseline (carbon source), and green indicates an increase from the baseline (carbon sink).

Importantly, there was a decrease in aboveground carbon from 2015-18, which likely reflects the severe droughts of 2015 and 2016 and subsequent severe fire seasons of 2016 and 2017. Aboveground carbon rebounded from 2019-22.

This trend supports the hypothesis that the Amazon biome is teetering on being an aboveground carbon source vs sink.

It also raises the possibility that the Amazon may return to being a carbon source following the intense drought and fires of 2024.




1 In part 1 of this series (MAAP #215), we found the Amazon “is still functioning as a critical carbon sink”. As pointed out in a companion blog by Planet, however, the net carbon sink of +64 million metric tons is quite small relative to the total estimate of 56.8 billion metric tons of aboveground carbon across the Amazon. That is a net positive change of just +0.1%. As the blog notes, that’s a “very small buffer” and there’s “reason to worry that the biome could flip from sink to source with ongoing deforestation.”

2 High Integrity Forest (HIFOR) units are a new, non-offset asset that recognizes and rewards the essential climate services and biodiversity conservation that intact tropical forests provide, including ongoing net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. HIFOR rewards the climate services that intact tropical forests provide, including ongoing net carbon removal from the atmosphere, and complements existing instruments to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) by focusing on tropical forests that are largely undegraded. A HIFOR unit represents a hectare of well-conserved, high-integrity tropical forest where ‘well-conserved’ means that high ecological integrity is maintained over a decade of monitoring as part of equitable, effective management of a site and ‘high ecological integrity’ means a score of >9.6 on the Forest Landscape Integrity Index. For more information see

3 Two additional important references regarding HIFOR methodology and application:

High Integrity Forest Investment Initiative, Methodology for HIFOR units, April 2024. Downloaded from

Forest Landscape Integrity Index metric used by HIFOR:

4 In Planet’s Forest Carbon Diligence product, carbon loss and gain are detected via changes in canopy cover and canopy height during the given periods (in this case, 2013 vs 2022).


Through a generous sharing agreement with the satellite company Planet, we have been granted access to this data across the entire Amazon biome for the analysis presented in this series.

We also thank D. Zarin (WCS) for helpful comments regarding the implications of our findings for the HIFOR initiative.


Finer M, Mamani N, Anderson C, Rosenthal A (2024) Carbon across the Amazon (part 3): Key Cases of Carbon Loss & Gain. MAAP: 220.

MAAP #217: Carbon across the Amazon (part 2): Peak Carbon Areas

Figure 1. Example of peak carbon areas in southern Peru and adjacent western Brazil. Data: Planet.

In part 1 of this series (MAAP #215), we introduced a critical new resource (Planet Forest Carbon Diligence) that provides wall-to-wall estimates for aboveground carbon density at an unprecedented 30-meter resolution. This data uniquely merges machine learning, satellite imagery, airborne lasers, and a global biomass dataset from GEDI, a NASA mission.4

In that report, we showed that the Amazon contains 56.8 billion metric tons of aboveground carbon (as of 2022), and described key patterns across all nine countries of the Amazon biome over the past decade.

Here, in part 2, we focus on the peak carbon areas of the Amazon that are home to the highest aboveground carbon levels.

These peak carbon areas correspond to the upper one-third of aboveground carbon density levels (>140 metric tons per hectare).1

They likely have experienced minimal degradation (such as selective logging, fire, and edge/fragmentation effects)2 and are thus a good proxy for high-integrity forests.

Figure 1 shows an important example of peak carbon areas in southern Peru and adjacent western Brazil.

The peak carbon areas are often found in the remote primary forests of protected areas and Indigenous territories, but some are located in forestry concessions (specifically, logging concessions) or undesignated lands (also referred to as undesignated public forests).

Our goal in this report is to leverage unprecedented aboveground carbon data to reinforce the importance of these designated areas and draw attention to the remaining undesignated lands.

For example, peak carbon areas would be excellent candidates for the High Integrity Forest (HIFOR) initiative, a new financing instrument that uniquely focuses on maintaining intact tropical forests.3 HIFOR rewards the climate services that intact tropical forests provide, including ongoing net carbon removal from the atmosphere, and complements existing instruments to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) by focusing on tropical forests that are largely undegraded.

Below, we detail the major findings and then zoom in on the peak carbon areas in the northeast and southwest Amazon.

Peak Carbon Areas in the Amazon   

The Base Map below illustrates our major findings.

The peak carbon areas (>140 metric tons per hectare; indicated in pink) are concentrated in the southwest and northeast Amazon, covering 27.8 million hectares (11 million ha in the southwest and 16.8 million ha in the northeast).

Base Map. Planet Forest Carbon Diligence across the Amazon biome for the year 2022. Data: Planet.

In the southwest Amazon, peak carbon levels are found in southern & central Peru, and adjacent western Brazil.

In the northeast Amazon, peak carbon levels are found in northeast Brazil, much of French Guiana, and parts of Suriname.

By country, Brazil and Peru have the largest area of peak carbon (10.9 million and 10.1 million hectares respectively), followed by French Guiana (4.7 million ha), and Suriname (2.1 million ha).

Protected areas and Indigenous territories cover much (61%) of the peak carbon area (16.9 million hectares).

The remaining 39% remains unprotected, and arguably threatened, in undesignated lands (9.4 million hectares) and forestry concessions (1.5 million ha), respectively.

In addition, high carbon areas (>70 metric tons per hectare; indicated by the greenish-yellow coloration in the Base Map) are found in all nine countries of the Amazon biome, notably Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Guyana.

Southwest Amazon

­Southern Peru

Figure 2a. Peak carbon area in the southern Peruvian Amazon. Data: Planet, SERNANP, RAISG.

Figure 2a zooms in on the peak carbon area covering 7.9 million hectares in southern Peru (regions of Madre de Dios, Cusco, and Ucayali) and adjacent southwest Brazil (Acre).

Several protected areas (such as Manu and Alto Purús National Parks, and Machiguenga Communal Reserve) anchor this area.

It is also home to numerous Indigenous territories (such as Mashco Piro, Madre de Dios, and Kugapakori, Nahua, Nanti & Others Indigenous Reserves).











Figure 2b highlights the major land designations within the peak carbon area of southern Peru.

Figure 2b. Peak carbon areas (outlined in pink), categorized by land designation in southern Peru and adjacent western Brazil. Data: Planet, NICFI, SERNANP, SERFOR, RAISG.

Protected areas and Indigenous territories cover 77% of this area (green and brown, respectively).

The remaining 23% could be considered threatened, as they are located in forestry concessions or undesignated lands (orange and red, respectively). Thus, these areas are ideal candidates for increased protection to maintain their peak carbon levels.












Central Peru

Figure 3a. Peak carbon area in the central Peruvian Amazon. Data: Planet, SERNANP, RAISG.

Figure 3a zooms in on the peak carbon area in the central Peruvian Amazon, which covers 3.1 million hectares in the regions of Ucayali, Loreto, Huánuco, Pasco, and San Martin.

Several protected areas (including Sierra del Divisor, Cordillera Azul, Rio Abiseo, and Yanachaga–Chemillén National Parks, and El Sira Communal Reserve) anchor this area.

It is also home to numerous Indigenous territories (such as Kakataibo, Isconahua, and Yavarí Tapiche Indigenous Reserves).











Figure 3b. Peak carbon areas (outlined in pink), categorized by land designation in central Peru. Data: Planet, NICFI, SERNANP, SERFOR, RAISG.

Figure 3b highlights the major land designations within the peak carbon area of central Peru.

Protected areas and Indigenous territories cover 69% of this area (green and brown, respectively).

The remaining 31% could be considered threatened, as they are located in forestry concessions or undesignated lands (orange and red, respectively), and are ideal candidates for increased protection.














Northeast Amazon

Figure 4a. Peak carbon area in the tri-border region of the northeast Amazon. Data: Planet, RAISG.

Figure 4a zooms in on the peak carbon area in the tri-border region of the northeast Amazon, which covers 16.8 million hectares in northern Brazil, French Guiana, and Suriname.

Several protected areas (including Montanhas do Tumucumaque National Park in northeast Brazil, Amazonien de Guyane National Park in French Guiana, and Central Suriname Nature Reserve) anchor this area.

It is also home to numerous Indigenous territories (such as Tumucumaque, Rio Paru de Este, and Wayãpi in northeast Brazil).







Figure 4b. Peak carbon areas (outlined in pink), categorized by land designation in northeast Amazon. Data: Planet, NICFI, RAISG.

Figure 4b highlights the major land designations within the peak carbon area of the northeast Amazon.

Protected areas and Indigenous territories cover just over half (51%) of this area (green and brown, respectively).

The remaining 49% could be considered threatened, as they are located in undesignated lands, and are ideal candidates for increased protection.











1 We selected this value (upper 33%) to capture the highest aboveground carbon areas and include a range of high carbon areas. Additional analyses could target different values, such as the highest 10% or 20% of aboveground carbon.

2  A recent paper documented a strong relationship between selective logging and aboveground carbon loss (Csillik et al. 2024, PNAS). The link between forest edges and carbon is presented in Silva Junior et al, Science Advances.

3 High Integrity Forest (HIFOR) units are a new tradable asset that recognizes and rewards the essential climate services and biodiversity conservation that intact tropical forests provide, including ongoing net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. For more information see

4 For more information, see the “What is Forest Carbon Diligence?” section in this recent blog from Planet.


Finer M, Mamani N, Anderson C, Rosenthal A (2024) Carbon across the Amazon (part 2): Peak Carbon Areas. MAAP #217.

MAAP #215: Unprecedented Look at Carbon across the Amazon (part 1)

Figure 1. Example of Planet Forest Carbon Diligence, focused on southern Peru and adjacent western Brazil.

The Amazon biome has long been one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, helping stabilize the global climate.

Precisely estimating this carbon, however, has been a challenge. Fortunately, new satellite-based technologies are providing major advances, most notably NASA’s GEDI mission (see MAAP #213) and, most recently, Planet Forest Carbon Diligence.1

Here, we focus on the latter, analyzing Planet’s cutting-edge new dataset, featuring a 10-year historical time series (2013 – 2022) with wall-to-wall estimates for aboveground carbon density at 30-meter resolution.

As a result, we can produce high-resolution aboveground carbon maps and estimates for anywhere and everywhere across the vast Amazon (see Figure 1).

Through a generous sharing agreement with Planet, we have been granted access to this data across the entire Amazon biome for the analysis presented in the following three-part series:

  1. Estimate and illustrate total aboveground forest carbon across the Amazon biome in unprecedented detail (see results of this first report, below).
  2. Highlight which parts of the Amazon are home to the highest aboveground carbon levels, including protected areas and Indigenous territories (see second report, MAAP #217).
  3. Present emblematic deforestation cases that have resulted in the highest aboveground carbon emissions across the Amazon (see third report, MAAP #220).

Major Results

Carbon across the Amazon

Based on our analysis of Planet Forest Carbon Diligence, we estimate that the Amazon contained 56.8 billion metric tons of aboveground carbon, as of 2022 (see Base Map). Applying a standard root-to-shoot ratio conversion (26%), this estimate increases to 71.5 billion metric tons of above and belowground carbon. This total is equivalent to nearly two years of global carbon dioxide emissions at the peak 2022 level (37.15 billion metric tons).5

The peak carbon levels are largely concentrated in the southwest Amazon (southern Peru and adjacent western Brazil) and northeast Amazon (northeast Brazil, French Guiana, and Suriname).

Base Map. Planet Forest Carbon Diligence across the Amazon biome.

Total Carbon by Country

As shown in Graph 1, countries with the most aboveground carbon are 1) Brazil (57%; 32.1 billion metric tons), 2) Peru (15%; 8.3 billion metric tons), 3) Colombia (7%; 4 billion metric tons), 4) Venezuela (6%; 3.3 billion metric tons), and 5) Bolivia (6%; 3.2 billion metric tons). These countries are followed by Guyana (3%; 2 billion metric tons), Suriname (3%; 1.6 billion metric tons), Ecuador (2%; 1.2 billion metric tons), and French Guiana (2%; 1.1 billion metric tons).

Overall, we documented the total gain of 64.7 million metric tons of aboveground carbon across the Amazon during the ten years between 2013 and 2022.2 In other words, the Amazon is still functioning as a critical carbon sink.

The countries with the most aboveground carbon gain over the past ten years are 1) Brazil, 2) Colombia, 3) Suriname, 4) Guyana, and 5) French Guiana. Note that we show Brazil as a carbon sink (gain of 102.8 million metric tons), despite other recent studies showing it as a carbon source.3 Also note the important gains in aboveground carbon across several key High Forest cover, Low Deforestation (HFLD) countries, namely Colombia, Suriname, Guyana, and French Guiana.4

In contrast, the countries with the most aboveground carbon loss over the past ten years are 1) Bolivia, 2) Venezuela, 3) Peru, and 4) Ecuador.

Graph 1. Planet Forest Carbon Diligence data across the Amazon biome, comparing 2013-14 with 2021-22. Note that a “+” symbol indicates that the country gained aboveground carbon, while a “-“ symbol indicates that the country lost aboveground carbon.

Carbon Density by Country

Standardizing for area, Graph 2 shows that countries with the highest aboveground carbon density (that is, aboveground carbon per hectare as of 2021-22) are located in the northeast Amazon: French Guiana (134 metric tons/hectare), Suriname (122 metric tons/hectare), and Guyana (85 metric tons/hectare). Ecuador is also high (94 metric tons/hectare).

Note that countries in the northeast Amazon (French Guiana, Suriname, and Guyana) have lower total aboveground carbon due to their smaller size (Graph 1), but high aboveground carbon density per hectare (Graph 2). This also applies to Ecuador.

Graph 2. Planet Forest Carbon Diligence data for aboveground carbon density by country across the Amazon, comparing 2013-14 with 2021-22. Note that a “+” symbol indicates that the country gained aboveground carbon, while a “-“ symbol indicates that the country lost aboveground carbon.

Notes & Citations

1 Anderson C (2024) Forest Carbon Diligence: Breaking Down The Validation And Intercomparison Report.

2 In terms of uncertainty, the data contains pixel-level estimates, but not yet at national levels. To minimize annual uncertainty at the country level, we averaged 2013 and 2014 for the baseline and 2021 and 2022 for the current state.

3 Recently, in MAAP #144, we showed Brazil as a carbon source, based on data from 2001 to 2020. In contrast, Planet Forest Carbon Diligence is based on data from 2013 to 2022. Thus, one interpretation of the difference is that most carbon loss occurred in the first decade of the 2000s, which is consistent with historical deforestation data showing peaks in the early 2000s. It also highlights the likely importance of the interplay between forest loss/degradation (carbon loss) and forest regeneration (carbon gain) in terms of whether a country is a carbon source or sink during a given timeframe.

4 HFDL, or “High Forest cover, Low Deforestation” describes countries with both a) high forest cover (>50%) and low deforestation rates (<0.22% per year). For more information on HFDL, see

5 Annual carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions worldwide from 1940 to 2023


Finer M, Mamani N, Anderson C, Rosenthal A (2024) Unprecedented Look at Carbon across the Amazon. MAAP  #215.


MAAP #213: Estimating Carbon in Amazon Protected Areas & Indigenous Territories

Intro Image. Screenshot of OBI-WAN forest carbon reporting app.

In a recent report (MAAP #199), we presented the updated version of NASA’s GEDI data,1 which uses lasers aboard the International Space Station to provide cutting-edge estimates of aboveground carbon globally, including our focal area, the Amazon.

These lasers, however, have not yet achieved full coverage, leaving considerable gaps in the data and resulting maps.

Here, we feature two new tools that allow us to fill in these gaps and provide detailed wall-to-wall estimates of aboveground biomass for specific areas, which can then be converted to aboveground carbon estimates.

The first is the OBI-WAN forest carbon reporting app (see Intro Image), which uses statistical inference to produce mean, total, and uncertainty estimates for biomass baselines at any given scale (from local to worldwide).2

The second is a fused product from GEDI and TanDEM-X missions.3 The combination of lidar (GEDI) and radar (TanDEM-X) has started to produce unmatched maps that combine the ability of lidar to retrieve forest structure and the ability of radar to offer wall-to-wall coverage at multiple resolutions (see Figures 1-5 below for examples at 25m resolution).

Employing these two tools, we focus on estimating aboveground carbon for select examples of two critical land designations in the Amazon: protected areas and indigenous territories. Both are critical to the long-term conservation of the core Amazon (MAAP #183). We hope that providing precise carbon data will provide additional incentives for their long-term conservation.

We select 5 focal areas (3 National Parks and 2 Indigenous Territories; see list below) across the Amazon to demonstrate the power of these datasets. Together, these five areas are currently home to over 1.4 billion metric tons of aboveground carbon.

  • Protected Areas (National Parks)
    Chirbiquete National Park (Colombian Amazon)
    Manu National Park (Peruvian Amazon)
    Madidi National Park (Bolivian Amazon)
  • Indigenous Territories
    Kayapó Indigenous Territory (Brazilian Amazon)
    Barranco Chico Indigenous Territory (Peruvian Amazon)

Focal Areas

As noted above, the aboveground carbon estimates below are based on the aboveground biomass estimates from the OBI-WAN forest carbon reporting app and GEDI-TanDEM-X data. Figures 1 – 5 are based on GEDI-TanDEM-X, at 25 meter resolution.

National Parks

Chirbiquete National Park (Colombian Amazon)

Chirbiquete National Park covers over 4.2 million hectares in the heart of the Colombian Amazon (Guaviare and Caqueta departments). Both datasets converge in the estimate of around 600 metric tons of aboveground biomass, equating to over 300 million metric tons of aboveground carbon across the park (80.5 tons of carbon per hectare). Figure 1 shows the detailed spatial distribution of this biomass across Chirbiquete National Park. Note that the GEDI-TanDEM-X data misses the western tip of the park.

Figure 1. Aboveground biomass across Chiribiquete National Park (Colombian Amazon). Data: GEDI-TanDEM-X


Manu National Park (Peruvian Amazon)

Figure 2. Aboveground biomass across Manu National Park (Peruvian Amazon). Data: GEDI-TanDEM-X

Manu National Park covers over 1.7 million hectares in the southern Peruvian Amazon (Madre de Dios and Cusco regions).

Both datasets converge in the estimate of over 450 metric tons of aboveground biomass, equating to over 215 million metric tons of aboveground carbon across the territory (126.8 tons of carbon per hectare).

Figure 2 shows the detailed spatial distribution of this biomass across Manu National Park.












Madidi National Park (Bolivian Amazon)

Figure 3. Aboveground biomass across Madidi National Park (Bolivian Amazon). Data: GEDI-TanDEM-X

Madidi National Park and Integrated Management Area covers over 1.8 million hectares in the western Bolivian Amazon (La Paz department).

Both datasets converge in the estimate of over 350 metric tons of aboveground biomass, equating to over 160 million metric tons of aboveground carbon across the park (85.3 tons of carbon per hectare).

Figure 3 shows the detailed spatial distribution of this biomass across Madidi National Park. Note that the GEDI-TanDEM-X data misses the southern tip of the park.











Indigenous Territories

Kayapó Indigenous Territory (Brazilian Amazon)

Kayapó Indigenous Territory covers over 3.2 million hectares in the eastern Brazilian Amazon (Pará state). Both datasets converge in the estimate of over 413,000 metric tons of aboveground biomass, equating to over 198 million metric tons of aboveground carbon across the territory. Figure 4 shows the detailed spatial distribution of this biomass across Kayapó and four neighboring Indigenous Territories. Totaling across these five territories (10.4 million hectares), the data sets converge on over 1.5 billion metric tons of aboveground biomass, and 730 million metric tons of aboveground carbon (70 tons per hectare).

Figure 4. Aboveground biomass across Kayapó and neighboring Indigenous Territories (Brazilian Amazon). Data: GEDI-TanDEM-X

Barranco Chico Indigenous Territory (Peruvian Amazon)

Barranco Chico Indigenous Territory covers over 12,600 hectares in the southern Peruvian Amazon (Madre de Dios region). Both datasets converge in the estimate of over 2 million metric tons of aboveground biomass, equating to over 1 million metric tons of aboveground carbon. Figure 5 shows the detailed spatial distribution of this biomass across Barranco Chico and two neighboring Indigenous Territories (Puerto Luz and San Jose de Karene). Totaling across these three territories (nearly 90,000 hectares), the data sets converge on over 19 million metric tons of aboveground biomass, and over 9 million metric tons of aboveground carbon (102 tons per hectare).

Figure 5. Aboveground biomass across Barranco Chico and neighboring Indigenous Territories (Peruvian Amazon). Data: GEDI-TanDEM-X


1 GEDI L4B Gridded Aboveground Biomass Density, Version 2.1. This data is measured in megagrams of aboveground biomass per hectare (Mg/ha) at a 1-kilometer resolution, with the period of April 2019 – March 2023. This serves as our estimate for aboveground carbon reserves, with the science-based assumption that 48% of recorded biomass is carbon.

The approach relies on the foundational paper from Patterson et al., (2019) and it is used by the GEDI mission to estimate mean and total biomass worldwide (Dubayh et al., 2022, Armston et al., 2023). The method considers the spatial distribution of GEDI tracks within a given user-specify boundary to infer the sampling error component of the total uncertainty that also includes the error from the GEDI L4A models used to predict biomass from canopy height estimates (Keller et al., 2022). For more information on the OBI-WAN app, see Healey and Yang 2022.

3 GEDI-TanDEM-X (GTDX) is a fusion of GEDI Version 2 and TanDEM-X (TDX) Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) images (from Jan 2011 to December 2020). It also incorporates annual forest loss data to account for deforestation during this time. The GTDX aboveground biomass maps were produced based on a generalized hierarchical model-based (GHMB) framework that utilizes GEDI biomass as training data to establish models for estimating biomass based on the GTDX canopy height. The combination of lidar (GEDI) and radar (TanDEM-X) has started to produce unmatched maps that combine the ability of lidar to retrieve forest structure and the ability of radar to offer wall-to-wall coverage (Qi et al.,2023, Dubayah et a;., 2023). This fused product is a wall-to-wall gap-free map that was produced at multiple resolutions: 25m, 100m and 1ha. Ongoing processing over the Pantropic region will be made available over the next months but some geographies have been already mapped such as most of the Amazon Basin (Dubayah et al., 2023). The data we used is publicly available.


Armston, J., Dubayah, R. O., Healey, S. P., Yang, Z., Patterson, P. L., Saarela, S., Stahl, G., Duncanson, L., Kellner, J. R., Pascual, A., & Bruening, J. (2023). Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI)GEDI L4B Country-level Summaries of Aboveground Biomass [CSV]. 0 MB.

Dubayah, R. O., Armston, J., Healey, S. P., Yang, Z., Patterson, P. L., Saarela, S., Stahl, G., Duncanson, L., Kellner, J. R., Bruening, J., & Pascual, A. (2023). Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI)GEDI L4B Gridded Aboveground Biomass Density, Version 2.1 [COG]. 0 MB.

Dubayah, R., Armston, J., Healey, S. P., Bruening, J. M., Patterson, P. L., Kellner, J. R., Duncanson, L., Saarela, S., Ståhl, G., Yang, Z., Tang, H., Blair, J. B., Fatoyinbo, L., Goetz, S., Hancock, S., Hansen, M., Hofton, M., Hurtt, G., & Luthcke, S. (2022). GEDI launches a new era of biomass inference from space. Environmental Research Letters, 17(9), 095001.

Dubayah, R., Blair, J. B., Goetz, S., Fatoyinbo, L., Hansen, M., Healey, S., Hofton, M., Hurtt, G., Kellner, J., Luthcke, S., Armston, J., Tang, H., Duncanson, L., Hancock, S., Jantz, P., Marselis, S., Patterson, P. L., Qi, W., & Silva, C. (2020). The Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation: High-resolution laser ranging of the Earth’s forests and topography. Science of Remote Sensing, 1, 100002.

Healey S, Yang Z (2022) The OBIWAN App: Estimating Property-Level Carbon Storage Using NASA’s GEDI Lidar.

Kellner, J. R., Armston, J., & Duncanson, L. (2022). Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for GEDI Footprint Aboveground Biomass Density. Earth and Space Science, 10(4), e2022EA002516.

Dubayah, R.O., W. Qi, J. Armston, T. Fatoyinbo, K. Papathanassiou, M. Pardini, A. Stovall, C. Choi, and V. Cazcarra-Bes. 2023. Pantropical Forest Height and Biomass from GEDI and TanDEM-X Data Fusion. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

Qi, W., J. Armston, C. Choi, A. Stovall, S. Saarela, M. Pardini, L. Fatoyinbo, K. Papathanasiou, and R. Dubayah. 2023. Mapping large-scale pantropical forest canopy height by integrating GEDI lidar and TanDEM-X InSAR data. Research Square.

Krieger, G., M. Zink, M. Bachmann, B. Bräutigam, D. Schulze, M. Martone, P. Rizzoli, U. Steinbrecher, J. Walter Antony, F. De Zan, I. Hajnsek, K. Papathanassiou, F. Kugler, M. Rodriguez Cassola, M. Younis, S. Baumgartner, P. López-Dekker, P. Prats, and A. Moreira. 2013. TanDEM-X: A radar interferometer with two formation-flying satellites. Acta Astronautica 89:83–98.


We greatly thank the University of Maryland’s GEDI team for data access and reviewing this report. In particular, we thank Ralph Dubayah, Matheus Nunes, and Sean Healey.


Mamani N, Pascual A, Finer M (2024) Estimating Carbon in Amazon Protected Areas & Indigenous Territories. MAAP: 213

MAAP #201: Amazon Deforestation Carbon Update for 2023

Graph 1. Major decrease in primary forest loss in 2023 compared to both last year 2022 and the recent peak year 2020, across the entire Amazon biome. Data: ESA/S2, GFW, ACA/MAAP.

As national policymakers begin the global COP28 climate summit in Dubai, we provide here a concise update on the current state of  Amazon forest loss and remaining carbon reserves, both based on the latest cutting-edge data.

For Amazon forest loss, we analyze the primary forest loss alerts known as GLAD-S2, which are based on 10-meter resolution optical imagery from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 satellite1. These advanced alerts have been available from 2019 to present.

For Amazon carbon reserves, we analyze the newly updated version of NASA’s GEDI data2, which used lasers aboard the International Space Station to provide recent estimates of aboveground biomass density on a global scale. This data has a 1-kilometer resolution and covers the time period of April 2019 – March 2023.

In summary, we report two key findings:

  • A dramatic reduction (over one-half) in primary forest loss between the current year 2023 and last year 2022 across the Amazon. The biggest declines were documented in the Brazilian and Colombian Amazon (59% and 67%, respectively).
  • Over 78 billion metric tons of aboveground biomass across the Amazon biome, which converts to over 37 billion metric tons of carbon. The highest carbon densities are located in the northeast (Suriname, French Guiana, and northeast Brazil) and southwest (southern Peru) sections of the Amazon.

Amazon Forest Loss

We estimate that forest loss dropped by 55.8% between 2023 (911,740 hectares) and 2022 (2,062,939 hectares). The loss is even more striking (dropping by over two-thirds, 67.7%) when compared to 2020 (2,823,475 hectares). It is important to emphasize that these are all directly relevant comparisons, covering the same time frame of January to early November for each year.

Graph 1 (see above) illustrates this major decrease in primary forest loss in 2023 compared to both last year 2022 and the recent peak year 2020, across the entire Amazon biome.

Graphs 2 and 3 (see below) break down these results for the Brazilian Amazon and western Amazon (Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia), respectively. Note the especially large forest loss declines in Brazil (59%) and Colombia (67%). We did document an increase in primary forest loss in three countries of the northeast Amazon (Suriname, Guyana, and Venezuela) during 2023, but this seems to be mostly due to natural causes.

Graph 2. Major decrease in primary forest loss in 2023 compared to both last year 2022 and the recent peak year 2020, in the Brazilian Amazon. Data: ESA/S2, GFW, ACA/MAAP.
Graph 3. Major decrease in primary forest loss in 2023 compared to both last year 2022 and the recent peak year 2020, in the western Amazon (Bolivia, Peru, Colombia). Data: ESA/S2, GFW, ACA/MAAP.

Although primary forest loss is way down across the Amazon in  2023, we did document the clearing of nearly a million hectares (911,740 ha). Figure 1 shows the distribution of this loss. Note the concentrations in the following sections of the Amazon: eastern and southern Brazil, across Bolivia, central and southern Peru, northwest Colombia. Hotspots in the northeast Amazon (Suriname, Guyana, and Venezuela) are mostly due to natural causes.

Figure 1. Primary forest loss across the Amazon in 2023. Data: ESA/S2, GFW, ACA/MAAP, NICFI.


Amazon Carbon Reserves

Figure 2 displays aboveground biomass across the Amazon biome. Note the highest carbon densities (indicated in bright yellow) are located in the northeast Amazon (Suriname, French Guiana, and the northeast corner of Brazil) and southwest Amazon (southern Peru). Also note that many parts of Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Bolivia, Brazil and northern Peru have high carbon densities as well.

As first reported in MAAP #199, we calculated over 78 billion metric tons of aboveground biomass across the Amazon biome (78,184,161,090 metric tons). Using a general assumption that 48% of this biomass is carbon3, we estimate over 37 billion metric tons of carbon across the Amazon (37,528,397,323 metric tons).

Note that these totals are likely underestimates given that the laser-based data has not yet achieved full coverage across the Amazon (that is, there are many areas where the lasers have not yet recorded data, leaving visible blanks in the maps above).

Figure 2. Aboveground biomass density (carbon estimate) across the Amazon biome, with country boundaries. Data: NASA/GEDI, NICFI.


1Information for GLAD-S2 alerts obtained from Global Forest Watch. Alerts are within a primary forest mask, where previous forest loss was removed Pickens et al 2020). These alerts are operating in the primary humid tropical forest areas of South America from January 2019 to the present. We present data covering the time frame of January 1 – November 8 for each year, so all noted annual comparisons are appropriate. Based on our analysis of final annual forest loss data for the years 2021 and 2022, we determined that using both High and Medium confidence alerts were the most accurate and conservative predictor of ultimate outcome (that is, not including Low confidence alerts).


Pickens, A.H., Hansen, M.C., Adusei, B., and Potapov P. 2020. Sentinel-2 Forest Loss Alert. Global Land Analysis and Discovery (GLAD), University of Maryland.

2GEDI L4B Gridded Aboveground Biomass Density, Version 2.1.

3Domke et al (2022) How Much Carbon is in Tree Biomass?. USDA/Forest Service.


This work was supported by NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) and ICFC (International Conservation Fund of Canada).


Finer M, Ariñez A, Mamani N (2023) Amazon Deforestation & Carbon Update for 2023. MAAP: 201.

MAAP #199: Amazon Carbon Update, based on NASA’s GEDI Mission

As we approach the COP28 climate summit, starting in Dubai in late November, we provide here a concise update on the current state of remaining Amazon carbon reserves.

We present the newly updated version of NASA’s GEDI data1, which uses lasers aboard the International Space Station to provide cutting-edge estimates of aboveground biomass density on a global scale.

Here, we zoom in on the Amazon and take a first look at the newly updated data, which covers the time period of April 2019 – March 2023.2

This data, which is measured in megagrams of aboveground biomass per hectare (Mg/ha) at a 1-kilometer resolution, serves as our estimate for aboveground carbon reserves.

Figure 1 displays aboveground biomass across the Amazon biome. Note the highest carbon densities (indicated in bright yellow) are located in both the northeast Amazon and southwest Amazon.

Aboveground Biomass across the Amazon

Figure 2 also displays aboveground biomass across the Amazon biome, but this time with country boundaries and labels added.

Note that the peak biomass concentrations in the northeast Amazon include Suriname, French Guiana, and the northeast corner of Brazil. The peak biomass concentrations in the southwest Amazon are centered in southern Peru. Also note that many parts of Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Bolivia, Brazil, and northern Peru have high carbon densities as well.

Figure 2. Aboveground biomass density (carbon estimate) across the Amazon biome, with country boundaries. Data: NASA/GEDI, NICFI.

Carbon Estimates

We calculated over 78 billion metric tons of aboveground biomass across the Amazon biome (78,184,161,090 metric tons to be exact). Using a general assumption that 48% of this biomass is carbon3, we estimate over 37 billion metric tons of carbon across the Amazon (37,528,397,323 metric tons).

Note that these totals are likely underestimates given that the laser-based data has not yet achieved full coverage across the Amazon (that is, there are many areas where the lasers have not yet recorded data, leaving visible blanks in the maps above).

This is consistent with a previous study based on another independent dataset, where we estimated 6.7 billion metric tons of carbon in the Peruvian Amazon as of 2013 (MAAP #148). The current GEDI data estimates at least 5.3 billion metric tons in the Peruvian Amazon.

Carbon Sink

In a previous report, we showed that the Brazilian Amazon has become a net carbon source, whereas the total Amazon is still a net carbon sink (MAAP #144). Our current report goes one step further in terms of showing just how much carbon is left in that sink.


1GEDI L4B Gridded Aboveground Biomass Density, Version 2.1.

2Note that we previously reported on the initial data release, which covered the time period of April 2019 – August 2021 (see MAAP #160).

3Domke et al (2022) How Much Carbon is in Tree Biomass?. USDA/Forest Service.


This work was supported by NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) and ICFC (International Conservation Fund of Canada).


Mamani N, Finer M, Ariñez A (2022) Amazon Carbon Update, based on NASA’s GEDI Mission. MAAP: 199.

MAAP #160: Lasers Estimate Carbon in the Amazon – NASA’s GEDI Mission

Simulation of GEDI lasers collecting data. Source: UMD.

NASA’s GEDI mission uses lasers to provide cutting-edge estimates of aboveground biomass and related carbon on a global scale.

Launched in late 2018 and installed on the International Space Station, GEDI’s lasers return an estimate of aboveground biomass density at greater accuracy and resolution than previously available.

Here, we zoom in on the Amazon and take a first look at the recently available Level 4B data: Gridded Aboveground Biomass Density measured in megagrams per hectare (Mg/ha) at a 1-kilometer resolution.

See the GEDI homepage for more background information on the mission, which extends until January 2023. Be sure to check out this illustrative video.





Base Map – Aboveground Biomass in the Amazon

The Base Map displays the GEDI data for the nine countries of the Amazon biome, displaying aboveground biomass for the time period April 2019 to August 2021.

Base Map. Aboveground Biomass Density in the Amazon. Data: NASA/UMD GEDI L4B. Click twice to enlarge.


We highlight the following initial major findings:

  • The data is not yet comprehensive as there are some areas the lasers have not yet recorded data (indicated in white).
  • The areas with the highest aboveground biomass and related carbon (indicated in dark green and purple) include:
    • Northeast Amazon: Corner of Brazil, Suriname, & French Guiana.
    • Southwest Amazon: Southwest Brazil and adjacent Peru (see zoom below).
    • Northwest Amazon: Northern Peru, Ecuador, and southeast Colombia.

Zoom In – Southwest Amazon

To better visualize the GEDI laser data, we also present a zoom of the Southwest Amazon. Although deforested areas (and natural savannahs) are illustrated in yellow and orange, note the surrounding presence of high carbon forest (green and purple).

Zoom In – Southwest Amazon. Aboveground Biomass Density. Data: NASA/UMD GEDI L4B. Click twice to enlarge.

Zoom Out – Global Scale

Note that tropical forests, including the Amazon, have the highest levels of aboveground biomass globally.

Zoom Out – Glocal scale. Aboveground Biomass Density. Data: NASA/UMD GEDI L4B. Click twice to enlarge.


This work was supported by NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) and ICFC (International Conservation Fund of Canada).


Finer M, Ariñez A (2022) Lasers Estimate Carbon in the Amazon – NASA’s GEDI Mission. MAAP: 160.

MAAP #148: Carbon loss & protection in the Peruvian Amazon

Base Map. Data: MINAM/PNCB, Asner et al 2014. Forest loss data exaggerated for visual display.

Tropical forests store massive amounts of carbon. However, when these forests are cleared (and often subsequently burned), the stored carbon is released into the atmosphere, further driving global climate change.

The Amazon is the world’s largest tropical forest, with Peru forming the second-largest piece, directly to the west of Brazil (the largest).

The Peruvian Amazon is unique in having a high-resolution estimate of aboveground carbon dating back to 2013 (Asner et al 2014).

Here, we analyze this dataset in relation to recent deforestation data (see Base Map), seeking to identify the major carbon-related trends between 2013 and 2020.

Our key findings include:

  • We estimate the loss of over 100 million metric tons of carbon (101,498,000 MgC) in the Peruvian Amazon between 2013 and 2020, mostly due to deforestation from agriculture and mining. 
  • In contrast, we estimate that protected areas and indigenous lands have safeguarded 3.2 billion metric tons of carbon (56% and 44%, respectively) in the Peruvian Amazon between 2013 and 2020.

The carbon loss noted above is equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions from nearly 80 million passenger vehicles driven for one year, or CO2 emissions from 92 coal-fired power plants in one year (EPA).

The carbon protection noted above is equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions from 2.5 billion passenger vehicles driven for one year, or CO2 emissions from nearly 3,000 coal-fired power plants in one year (EPA).

Reference Map. Location of zooms A-E.

Reference Map

Below, we present a series of zoom images of several key areas.

Zooms A-C highlight recent carbon loss due to deforestation (agriculture and mining) in high carbon density Amazon moist forests.

In contrast, Zooms D-E show how protected areas and indigenous lands are protecting massive amounts of carbon.

These letters (A-E) correspond to the reference map here.

Areas of Recent Carbon Loss

A. United Cacao

Zoom A shows the loss of nearly 300,000 metric tons of carbon for a large-scale cacao project (United Cacao) in the northern Peruvian Amazon (Loreto region).

Zoom A. United Cacao. Data: Asner et al 2014.

B. Mennonite Colony

Zoom B shows the recent deforestation and associated carbon loss for a new Mennonite colony in the central Peruvian Amazon (near the town of Tierra Blanca).

Zoom B. Mennonite Colony – Tierra Blanca. Data: MINAM/PNCB, Asner et al 2014.

C. Gold mining

Zoom C shows the loss of over 800,000 metric tons of carbon due to gold mining in the southern Peruvian Amazon (Madre de Dios region).

Zoom C. Gold mining in Madre de Dios region. Data: Asner et al 2014, MINAM/PNCB

Areas of Carbon Protection

D. Yaguas National Park

Zoom D shows how three protected areas, including the new Yaguas National Park, are effectively safeguarding over 200 million metric tons of carbon in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon.

Zoom D. Protected Areas in northeast Peru. Data: Asner et al 2014, MINAM/PNCB

E. Manu National Park

Zoom E shows how a group of protected areas (Manu National Park and Amarakaeri Communal Reserve) and the country’s first Conservation Concession (Los Amigos), is effectively safeguarding over 210 million metric tons of carbon in the southern Peruvian Amazon.

Zoom E. Protected Areas in southeast Peru. Data: Asner et al 2014, MINAM/PNCB


This report combined two major datasets: 1) aboveground carbon from Asner et al 2014 and 2) annual forest loss identified by the Peruvian Environment Ministry’s National Forest Conservation Program (Geobosques) from the years 2013 to 2020.

The aboveground carbon data served as a baseline for 2013, and then we subsequently extracted the carbon data from the areas of forest loss from 2013-2020.

This process allowed us to obtain the carbon density (per hectare) in relation to the area of forest loss and then to estimate the total aboveground carbon stocks lost between 2013 and 2020.

The forest loss data values include some natural forest loss. Overall, however, they should be considered underestimates because they do not include forest degradation (for example, selective logging).


Asner GP et al (2014). The High-Resolution Carbon Geography of Perú. Carnegie Institution for Science.

EPA. Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.


We thank A. Folhadella, M. Hyde, ME Gutierrez, and G. Palacios for their helpful comments on this report.

This work was supported by NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) and ICFC (International Conservation Fund of Canada).


Finer M, Mamani N (2021). Carbon loss & protection in the Peruvian Amazon. MAAP: 148.



MAAP #144: The Amazon & Climate Change: Carbon Sink vs Carbon Source

Base Map. Forest Carbon Flux across the Amazon, 2001-2020. Data: Harris et al 2021. Analysis: Amazon Conservation/MAAP.

A pair of recent scientific studies revealed that parts of the Amazon now emit more carbon into the atmosphere than they absorb (Gatti et al 2021, Harris et al 2021).

Here, we dig deeper and highlight the key finding: the Brazilian Amazon has become a net carbon source over the past 20 years, whereas the total Amazon is still a net carbon sink.

We also show that protected areas and indigenous territories are crucial carbon sinks, showing once again their importance and effectiveness for overall conservation across the Amazon (MAAP #141).

One of the noted studies (Harris et al 2021) presented a new global monitoring system for forest carbon flux based on satellite data.

Here, we independently analyze this data with a focus on the Amazon.*

The flux is the crucial difference between forest carbon emissions (such as deforestation) and removals from the atmosphere (such as intact forests and regrowth).

A negative flux indicates that removals exceed emissions and the area is a carbon sink, thus buffering climate change. The Base Map illustrates these sinks in green.

A positive flux indicates that emissions exceed removals and the area has become a carbon source, thus exacerbating climate change. The Base Map illustrates these sources in red.

Below, we illustrate the carbon flux results and then zoom in on some of the key carbon sinks (such as protected areas and indigenous territories) and carbon sources (high deforestation areas) across the Amazon.

Amazon Carbon Flux

The two graphs below show levels of carbon removals in green and carbon emissions in red across the western Amazon (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru), northeastern Amazon (French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela), Brazilian Amazon, and total Amazon. The resulting carbon flux is highlighted in pink.

The arrows highlight three critical results:

  • The Brazilian Amazon has become a net carbon source (positive flux indicated by yellow arrow in Graph 1). That is, emissions now exceed removals (3,600 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent over the past 20 years), exacerbating climate change.
  • The total Amazon is still a net carbon sink (negative flux indicated by blue arrow in Graph 1). That is, removals still exceed emissions (-1,700 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent over the past 20 years), helping mitigate climate change, mainly thanks to the role of the western and northeastern Amazon.
  • Protected areas and indigenous territories are effective carbon sinks, while other areas outside these key designations are the major carbon source (positive flux indicated by orange arrow in Graph 2).
Graph 1. Carbon Flux in the Amazon, 2001-20. Data: Harris et al 2021. Analysis: Amazon Conservation/MAAP.
Graph 2. Carbon Flux in the Amazon, 2001-20. Data: Harris et al 2021. Analysis: Amazon Conservation/MAAP.

Key Amazon Carbon Sinks: Protected Areas & Indigenous Territories

Zooms 1 and 2 show two major carbon sinks in the western Amazon.

Zoom 1 focuses in on the northwestern Amazon, stretching across four countries (Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador). This region includes large protected areas (such as Yasuni National Park in Ecuador, Chiribiquete National Park in Colombia, and Yaguas National Park in Peru) and indigenous territories (such as Vale do Javari in Brazil).

Zoom 2 focuses in on the southwestern Amazon, stretching across three countries (Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia). This region also includes large protected areas (such as Alto Purus, Manu, and Bahuaja Sonene National Parks in Peru and Madidi National Park in Bolivia).

Base Map: Amazon carbon sinks, indicated by insets 1 and 2. Data: Harris et al 2021.


Key Amazon Carbon Sources: High Deforestation Areas

Zooms A-H show eight major carbon sources in the western Amazon.

Zooms A and B show two of the major deforestation fronts in the Brazilian Amazon. Zoom A shows the massive deforestation around the city of Porto Velho, in the state of Rondônia and near the border with the state of Amazonas. Zoom B shows the massive deforestation along the BR-163 highway in the state of Pará.

Base Map: Amazon carbon sources, indicated by letters A-G. Data: Harris et al 2021.

Moving to the western Amazon, Zoom C shows the arc of deforestation in the northwestern Colombian Amazon and Zoom D shows the major deforestation front in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon.

Zooms E and F show two of the major deforestation fronts in the Peruvian Amazon. Zoom E shows large-scale deforestation from oil palm plantations and a new Mennonite colony in the north. Zoom F shows the major deforestation front in the south, along the Interoceanic Highway, surrounded by gold mining and small-scale agriculture.



Finally, Zoom G shows the deforestation along the road connecting Rurrenabaque and Ixiamas, including the new large-scale sugar cane plantation.



*Methodology & Notes

Base Map, Figure 1, and Zoom maps are based on 30-meter, satellite-based data obtained from Harris et al (2021). Our geographic range included nine countries and consists of a combination of the Amazon biogeographic limit (as defined by RAISG) plus the Amazon watershed limit in Bolivia. See Base Map above for delineation of this hybrid Amazon limit, designed for maximum inclusion.


Gatti, LV et al (2021) Amazonia as a carbon source linked to deforestation and climate change. Nature 595, 388–393.

Harris NL et al (2021) Global maps of twenty-first century forest carbon fluxes. Nature Climate Change 11, 234-240.


We thank M. Silman (Wake Forest University), D. Gibbs (WRI), M.E. Gutierrez (ACCA), D. Larrea (ACEAA), J. Beavers (ACA), and A. Folhadella (ACA) for their helpful comments on this report.

This work was supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), and International Conservation Fund of Canada (ICFC).


Finer M, Mamani N (2021) The Amazon & Climate Change: Carbon Sink vs Carbon Source. MAAP: 144.

MAAP #83: Climate Change Defense: Amazon Protected Areas and Indigenous Lands

Base Map. Data: Asner et al 2014, MINAM/PNCB, SERNANP, IBC

Tropical forests, especially the Amazon, sequester huge amounts of carbon, one of the main greenhouse gases driving climate change.

Here, we show the importance of protected areas and indigenous lands to safeguard these carbon stocks.

In MAAP #81, we estimated the loss of 59 million metric tons of carbon in the Peruvian Amazon during the last five years (2013-17) due to forest loss, especially deforestation from mining and agricultural activities.

This finding reveals that forest loss represents nearly half (47%) of Peru’s annual carbon emissions, including from burning fossil fuels.1,2

In contrast, here we show that protected areas and indigenous lands have safeguarded 3.17 billion metric tons of carbon, as of 2017.3,4

The Base Map (on the right) shows, in shades of green, the current carbon densities in relation to these areas.

The breakdown of results are:
1.85 billion tons safeguarded in the Peruvian national protected areas system;
1.15 billion tons safeguarded in titled native community lands; and
309.7 million tons safeguarded in Territorial Reserves for indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation.

The total safeguarded carbon (3.17 billion metric tons) is the equivalent to 2.5 years of carbon emissions from the United States.5

Below, we show several examples of how protected areas and indigenous lands are safeguarding carbon reservoirs in important areas, indicated by insets A-E.

A. Yaguas National Park

The following Image A shows how three protected areas, including the new Yaguas National Park, are effectively safeguarding 202 million metric tons of carbon in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon. This area is home to some of the highest carbon densities in the country.

Image 83a. Yaguas. Data: Asner et al 2014, MINAM/PNCB, SERNANP

B. Manu National Park, Amarakaeri Communal Reserve, CC Los Amigos

The following Image B shows how Los Amigos, the world’s first conservation concession, is effectively safeguarding 15 million metric tons of carbon in the southern Peruvian Amazon. Two surrounding protected areas, Manu National Park and Amarakaeri Communal Reserve, safeguard an additional 194 million metric tons. This area is home to some of the highest carbon densities in the country.

Image 83b. Los Amigos-Manu-Amarakaeri. Data: Asner et al 2014, MINAM/PNCB, SERNANP, ACCA

C. Tambopata National Reserve, Bahuaja Sonene National Park

The following Image C shows how two important natural protected areas, Tambopata National Reserve and Bahuaja Sonene National Park, are helping conserve carbon stocks in an area with intense illegal gold mining activity.

D. Sierra del Divisor National Park, National Reserve Matsés

Image 83d. Data: Asner et al 2014, MINAM/PNCB, SERNANP

The following Image D shows how four protected areas, including the new Sierra del Divisor National Park, and adjacent National Reserve Matsés are effectively safeguarding 270 million metric tons of carbon in the eastern Peruvian Amazon.

This area is home to some of the highest carbon densities in the country.

E. Murunahua Indigenous Reserve

The following Image E shows the carbon protected in the Murunahua Indigenous Reserve (for indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation) and the surrounding titled native communities.

Imagen 83e. Datos: Asner et al 2014, MINAM/PNCB, SERNANP


1  UNFCCC. Emissions Summary for Peru.

2  No incluye las emisiones por la degradación de bosques

Asner GP et al (2014). The High-Resolution Carbon Geography of Perú. Carnegie Institution for Science.

Sistema de Áreas Naturales Protegidas del Perú, que incluye áreas de administración nacional, regional, y privado. Datos de las tierras indígenas son de Instituto de Bien Común. Datos de pérdida forestal son de la Programa Nacional de Conservación de Bosques para la Mitigación del Cambio Climático (MINAM/PNCB).

UNFCCC. Emissions Summary for United States.


Finer M, Mamani N (2017). Climate Change Defense: Amazon Protected Areas and Indigenous Lands. MAAP: 83.